It started as a small whisper, easy to brush away
But it started getting just a bit louder
A bit less ignorable
Over time as it got louder, i got louder
Talking louder to my friends, listening to louder music, just so i could ignore it
But it just kept getting louder
I listen to the loudest music i can
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But its patient
It knows my wall is growing weaker
And sometimes, at night, when i have nothing to distract me, it gets its loudest
Sometimes it starts to break through
And i build my wall again
But im getting tired
Tired of keeping it out
Too tired to hold up my wall any longer
But it started getting just a bit louder
A bit less ignorable
Over time as it got louder, i got louder
Talking louder to my friends, listening to louder music, just so i could ignore it
But it just kept getting louder
I listen to the loudest music i can
Find the craziest books to distract my mind
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But its patient
It knows my wall is growing weaker
And sometimes, at night, when i have nothing to distract me, it gets its loudest
Sometimes it starts to break through
And i build my wall again
But im getting tired
Tired of keeping it out
Too tired to hold up my wall any longer