[English Translation]
Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my stories!
Now Những chuyến du hành: Gặp gỡ Setsunari now is available in English under the name The Journeys: Encounter Setsunari. Hope you'll like it!
I'm still having a long way before turning my ideas into real works so I'm deep need of your support. So, please ^_^ leave me any words or comments on my works so that I can improve it! Any words on translation also is welcomed (Since English isn't my mother tongue).
Thank you!
Now Những chuyến du hành: Gặp gỡ Setsunari now is available in English under the name The Journeys: Encounter Setsunari. Hope you'll like it!
I'm still having a long way before turning my ideas into real works so I'm deep need of your support. So, please ^_^ leave me any words or comments on my works so that I can improve it! Any words on translation also is welcomed (Since English isn't my mother tongue).
Thank you!