일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

I'm sorry Medi but the new update looks like shit. You actually managed to make the site worse, congratulations! The creator badge that you have to everybody is so fucking worthless. Like you do realize if you give everybody a badge the badge becomes meaningless right? Everybody has one so it servers no purpose but to take up space and block my beautiful profile picture. Please remove this feature, we all hate it. And while your at it can you remove some other stuff too? Like the stupid thing where you bury all our topics and drawings with levels is, and the level ups. You can keep creator ranks just make the goals less unrealistic with your levels. Like instead maybe bronze rank can be obtained after you get 40 likes on a post, and so on.

Medi please stop being the worst website known to mankind next to deviantart.

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