お絵描き道具一新!Renewal of drawing tools!
クリップスタジオを練習していて古い9.7インチのiPad proの限界を感じました。
なので、最新型ではないですが中古の12.9インチのiPad proに買い換えました♪
I was practicing clip studio and felt the limitations of my old 9.7-inch iPad pro.
So I replaced it with a used 12.9-inch iPad pro, although it is not the latest model♪
In addition, I bought a film that feels like paper to draw on!
It is very comfortable!
なので、最新型ではないですが中古の12.9インチのiPad proに買い換えました♪
I was practicing clip studio and felt the limitations of my old 9.7-inch iPad pro.
So I replaced it with a used 12.9-inch iPad pro, although it is not the latest model♪
In addition, I bought a film that feels like paper to draw on!
It is very comfortable!