일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

- Mentally Stable - Chapter 2
“B-but how, I did nothing wrong!!” I stuttered.
He glared at me, and handed the police some clearly fake documents. Two police officers took my wrists, and drug me into a small cell.
Once we entered the cell, they chained my arms up to a wall. I sat there in the darkness, my arms in crucial pain from the bruises that of the grip of the cuffs.
A officer walked into the room, and pulled me out of the cuffs, then he drug me down the hallway.
They slammed me back into the chair, my bottom and back were numb, followed up by my hands.
The two officers were mumbling about something. The only word I could make out was “facility.”
I blacked out. Then, I woke up in a strange truck, bumps in the road sent sharp pains through me. Two other figures peered out through the darkness.
I finally tried to speak, but instead I could only cough. Liquid came up my throat, all into my clothes.
The figures moved very suddenly, one asking, “Who goes there?!”
I answered, “M-my name is Bethany?”
At this point, the past is a blur, because I know my future is not as bright and sunny as I was hoping for.

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