插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

I've been slacking
Im sorry that i haven't been active for the last few weeks (or maybe more)but i really haven't been on the site lately. if you follow mxrkus than you would understand what i'm about to say. LIFE HAS BEEN CRAZY FOR THE LAST FEW WEEKS ( or maybe more)!!!!!
i honestly think that life itself is trying to toy around with me. I mean like who ( or what) would want to make my life a living hell ( or make it worse than hell) except for my enemies. And i obviously don't have any friends so who will be my enemy. If i'm bringing this down on you guys then I'm sorry for that, but what i really need is nice hot cup of tea sitting on a leather recliner and watching my favorite show in the world.... The Goldbergs. By the way a shout out to Adam F. Goldberg who is the star and producer of the show.
By the way let me know on what i could have really strong opinions about that could lead to a really big argument between us.( that was sarcasm if you didn't pick it up) but really let me know what to talk about.#LIFEiSHELL
