James or Tati
So, I sat down for 41 minutes 2 nights ago and watched "no more lies" a video that was uploaded by James Charles himself (the only reason I watched it was because I literately seen so many memes about James and Tati to the point to where I has to catch up on the tea because this was one topic EVERYONE on instagram was just talking about and posting memes about it) Tati and Jefree star lied! if you don't know what im talking about please go watch James video on it! ) Tati said that she asked James if he can promote her vitamin, James said no (mind you James actually promoted her on his instagram story and he said he takes it or uses the vitamin on a daily basis) and then my friend said that someone else asked him the same thing and he said yes but it didn't happen. although I kinda don't watch James anymore I still have my gift card I got on CHRISTMAS waiting for him to restock his damn pallet because he HASNT RESTOCKED SINCE JANUARY THIRD LIKE CMON! so anyways who's side are you on?