插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Read this rn
I’m triggered because I wrote this message and it was very long but I somehow clicked away from it and everything got deleted and oh boi am I posting a lot in my My Space today. *cough* ANYWAYS, so you know how I was saying a lil’ while ago that I was gonna be gone for pretty much a week? Welp (I’m not sure if I said this already but oh well.) I’m going to a sleepaway camp with my friends but even though I’m fine talking to them, I’m awkward as heck talking to people I either don’t know or am not close to and when I’m older and I look back on the time when I did talk to a lot of people my reaction is always: “What was I thinking when I said this?”
Sooooo.... yeah. Do y’all have any tips on how to talk to people in a normal way? Anything would be VERY And I mean VERY helpful if so. Thank you! *flies away*
