일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Holy Shit I Have Brain & Use It
Wow guys I finally started to make myself a fucking schedule. Uploads for my socials will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I'll make still topics everyday don't worry about that, actual art will come on those days. I'm also actually starting to take action on my Backrooms series, now that all the lore is done I finally began working on the cover for the first season and even started some ideas for the first comics. When the comics will be posted a new issue will come out every Friday for The Backrooms and for my other comic that will come out once The Backrooms season one is over and it will come out every Saturday. I also finished the cover for my other series. As for youtube content I will try to post every other week, that includes live streams. Ok I think thats it, god I hope that's it and it makes sense, oh my go-

So, here is my new schedule's so you can follow my content.

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