Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Mr Grinch Madlib I did
You're a W I D E one, Mr. Grinch 
You really are a idiot 
You're as cuddly as a Levi Ackerman x reader fanfiction 
You're as charming as an parrot, Mr. Grinch 
You're a pink banana 
With a thicc obese peel 
You're a Dio Brando, Mr. Grinch 
Your heart's an angry hole 
Your troll is full of spiders 
You've got garlic in your Creeper Aw Man meme video, Mr. Grinch 
I wouldn't touch you with 
A 2 79 and a half foot graveyard 
You're a murderous one, Mr. Grinch 
You have termites in your nose 
You have all the haunted sweetness 
of a tasty Girraffe, Mr. Grinch 
Given the choice between the 1 of you 
I'd take the dumb horse 
You're a ugly one, Mr. Grinch 
You're a nasty-wasty Elephant 
Your pinky toe is full of unwashed scorpians 
Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch 
The 5 words that best describe you 
Are as follows, and I quote 
" Stink 

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