Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Me being a big dumb stupid buttface
*lip smack*
I realized
Maybe being on a hiatus isn't the best decision for me personally
Just saying
I'm not even all that active on here anyways so it's not that much of a distraction (notatalladistraction)
Now that my head is all calmed down
Now that I'm all uppity again
I deleted that hiatus post cuz I realized I n e e d this place to post mindless rants, goofs, and gaffs that I otherwise would not dare post anywhere else
I'm sorry for all that
I was being the big dumb of today
A mwah to you all
The peeps who can (I hope) understand (ormorelikeputupwith) my dumb
Deepest apologies

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