Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Real Talk (Positive Vent)
Tw: mentions of body dysmorphia

I'm gonna let you in on a bit of a secret. I've been struggling with body dismorphia for quite a few months now, but recently it's just kinda been like not bad. I keep thinking "Hey maybe having a big chest inst so bad! It's kinda fun! Plus I could just buy a binder for when I don't want one." And I've been feeling a lot better.

And my voice has also been bugging me, I make a higher pitched voice when I'm nervous, and you guys should know I'm nervous a lot, so my voice has become pretty high pitched. Although I'm still in my early teens and it might not be too late to turn that around. I've been voice training and trying not to use a deep voice, but on the other hand I think I'll still have a feminine voice when I grow up. It will probably be deeper though and I'm ok with that! Having a deep feminine voice would be cool!

Ok that's it :D

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