插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Prince's backstory maybe
Basically Prince was just some guy and for his 19th birthday he and his friends rented a cottage for a month. One day when he woke up (alot earlier than any of his friends) and decided to go for a walk by himself and while he was out in the trails he felt this pull to go in a certain direction and found this helmet in a bush. He took it back to the cottage to show his buddies and they were like yo you should totally try it on so he put it on and was like shit this things awesome so his friends wanted to try it on too but he couldn’t take it off and everyone started freaking out because nothing they did worked and they were way too far away from a hospital so they just kinda left it for a while. After about a day of prince not being able to eat they tried figuring out how to at least open the visor so he wouldn't starve and eventually figured out how to open it a little bit so his mouth would show except they couldn't see his face so they started freaking out again because it was just pure black and how the fuck was he talking. Prince figured out how to open his mouth which scared his friends even more cuz boom there was suddenly a mouth out of the pure blackness but hey at least he's able to eat now. They decided it was probably a good idea to take him to a hospital even if it was like a 6 hour drive away. After some scans and still not being able to remove the helmet they discovered that it was attached to his head and there was no way of removing it without killing or severely hurting him so he was probably going to have to live with it. They went back to the cottage and tried to enjoy the rest of their holiday but then prince’s skin starting from his neck started to turn pure black and they started panicking again because whAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? Then one day near the end of their holiday a fuckin spaceship came and the aliens on the spaceship explained that the helmet was not actually a helmet but a parasitic creature that was trying to take over prince’s body and it was too late to remove it and stop the effect it was having on his body but they could stop it from taking over his mind. I could go alot more into detail but don't feel like it
