I'm really nervous right nwo
my brother might have a concussion because he was mountain biking and he hit a tree--- he's been in a slump in baseball and he can't make contact with the ball when he's up to bat and he says it's getting to him-- he's not a rage sort of person he's really calm but he said if he can't play he's gonna break something he's gonna lose it- he's upset because he says he's not contributing to the team at all and letting people down- he was biking on an illegal trail because a lot of trails around here are hiking only (don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds) but he says he feel slike he's high right now and i really dont' want him to have a concussipn fuuuuuuuuuu he's not okay
my brother might have a concussion because he was mountain biking and he hit a tree--- he's been in a slump in baseball and he can't make contact with the ball when he's up to bat and he says it's getting to him-- he's not a rage sort of person he's really calm but he said if he can't play he's gonna break something he's gonna lose it- he's upset because he says he's not contributing to the team at all and letting people down- he was biking on an illegal trail because a lot of trails around here are hiking only (don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds) but he says he feel slike he's high right now and i really dont' want him to have a concussipn fuuuuuuuuuu he's not okay