So yo, I was just checkin my mail and I see this bro (the second one) send that, and I had me a good laugh, cuz that shi was good. Then, out of nowhere, a s p e c i a l s n o w f l a k e appears and sends that (the last one). Yo, nobody cares. There's so much wrong with her reply too, where I was thinkin that that had to be a joke. We all now that chick sits in the middle of the class with a high ponytail eatin hot cheetos loudly, says she's a crackhead when in reality she's just annoyin af, and tries to rope people into her beliefs n shi. Look, I'm gay af, and I still found that bro's reply funny, so I kinda doubt that it would offend every single homosexual or lgbtq+ person on the planet. Just give my bro some respect.