Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Prose 1 (2/2)
He waved off the people that were still staring. And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.
The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tired distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.
She then when on to noting what colour the ceiling was, how many customers were behind and in front. How many people were left until Var-sol came back, what the cashier was doing when giving the shopping to the people and asking for money, how long it had been while Var-sol had been away. Noting at what to do for when Var-sol would come back, waiting for Var-sol to come back, arranging the shopping backs for where Var-sol would be able to reach when he came back. Waiting for him to come back wanting him to come back waiting for him to come back needing him to come back-
Nyra blinked, realising she had been bashing herself into the wall next to her and holding her arms to herself. Blood was slowly leaking out of her arms. Where she had her nails tearing deep into.
No one seemed to had noticed the blood on her arms yet and hadn’t seen her subtly bashing herself into the wall.
She pulled some gloves from her pocket in her skirt and put them on, hoping no one would be able to see the blood staining the gloves. Luckily, they were a shade of grey and only a slight amount had stained the gloves, giving it a darker colour.
Nyra was assessing how that had happened without her knowing, seeing, /feeling/ what she was doing. It didn’t help that her vision was slightly hazy. But she could still see clear enough to not stumble.
Nyra started fiddling with her thumbs as she waited.
Var-sol had gone to the clothing section, and found some dresses he thought Nyra would like.
He looked at some and tried generating some similar dresses. Though they were fare more different than then the ones he was taking inspiration from. Var-sol looked over the one’s he’d made and decided to scrap them, vanishing out of his hands.
He strolled down and found the aisle for night wear. Though they were more of today’s fashion he decided to generate some nightgowns for her.
They were a lot like the one’s she wore at home but were thinner. He’d noticed she would have to role the sleeves of some down more than necessary and would have her back showing. She’d also have to role the skirts up at times for her tail to come out, or squish herself against the covers while sprawled out to cool herself down.
As much as he thought it was her Demon behaviours (or just Nyra being Nyra), he’d always get idée fixe about wanting to just pull her against him to stop her from fiddling about so much. It annoyed him to the point of making her tired to the point of her barely being able to get into her bed without falling with her arms stretched out.
Although he enjoys her struggling with stuff like this he would rather her be quiet when it’s dark then her frustrating herself at trying to get into a bed without tripping on the way.
He went back to the line and found Nyra fiddling with her hands.
She seemed to have been stressing about being left alone again.
He could see gloves on her arms and the tiniest of dark splodges on them.
He narrowed his eyes guessing she had hurt herself to try and calm herself down.
He appeared behind her saying ‘Miss me?’ while smiling. She’d looked up flinching, not realising his presence was behind her.
They got to the till to pay the cashier.
The lady had finished handing them their shopping after finished scanning and said “That’ll be 20.34 Celes please!”
Var-sol pulled out three crisp notes from his pocket (that he really summoned) and handed the cash over.
When they had gotten out into the car park Var-sol shifted out of his disguise into his casual wear.
This time he was wearing long black trousers, a white shirt with a chain brooch on the collar, a coat with the lower half looking like feathers.
Nyra let her disguise on her face and horns go.
Var-sol ensnarled her arms around his and left.

Celes – Currency
Disguises – Var-sol can shapeshift his form. He’s done this to not be easily recognised in public.
Nyra can do simple magic such as hiding her horns and making her skin not look like a Demon’s.
But for some reason she isn’t able to hide her tail with magic so it has to be hidden in her skirts.

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