Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Long distance relationships are hArD
They're harder than I thought,,
I mean, you guys know me, I don't usually post on MySpace a lot but, j e e z
And I don't really talk about romance or dating b ut, jEeZ
I just want to hug and hold that special person sometimes but iT's HaRd BeCaUsE a WhOle OcEaN iS bEtWeEn Us
And a lot of land,,
AnD wE hAvE lIvEs OuT oF tHe sCrEeN sO wE dOnT tALk As MuCh As We WaNt To ,,
But I want to make it work, and hopefully I'll be able to meet with her for real.
BeCauSe I rEalLy LiKe HeR
I guess this was kind of a vent thing, but nobody's on this late so nobody's gonna see this (I think,,)
It's two in the morning by the way, so, sleep drunk.
Y a Y

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