Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Made up q&a
Since I do a bunch of random shit on this app I’ll make a q&a for ppl

Q: why did you unfriend me?
A: if you fill up my notifications in time span of an hour with over 6 posts and spam that idgaf abt I’m probably just gonna unfriend you bc I don’t want my notifications to be spam

Q: you said you were gonna do this days ago! Why haven’t you?
A: it’s either two reasons- I haven’t been able to or I just haven’t gotten to it yet. I’m sorry I’m slow and I take days to get to things and sometimes I forget but I’m gonna put stickynotes around my room soon if it’s been over 5 days.

Q:you haven’t posted art! Are you okay?
A: yes I’m fine I just don’t draw all the time but I do draw almost every day! Some is just nsfw or really stupid practice that’s not worth sharing.

Q: you draw nsfw? Can you draw nsfw of my oc?
A: no. If I wanted to draw nsfw of your oc id ask you.

Q: why don’t you draw people that often?
A: I draw people more than I do animals I just don’t like how I draw my humans so I hide a large portion of it.

Q: are you a furry?
A: I’m a furry artist yes, but I don’t like to call myself a furry bc if I do my boyfriend will leave me.

If anyone has any questions ask down and I’ll answer

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