插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

I hate everything
I'm so done with everything
I'm losing interests
I have art block
All my friends talk about is stranger things and I've seen all of 2 episodes like a year ago.
My life is a mess rn
Everybody in my social studies/history class probably hates me.
A b_____ probably started a rumor about why I wasn't in class.
I was crying out in the hallway for like 35 minutes and the rest of class with a counselor.
I hate school.
I'm done with everything.
I want to leave.
I feel awful.
I miss being able to just chill here.
I'm stressed out.
I want to trust people.
I hate people.
I'll be back soon ig
Bye fries
