MediBang ID: Danizinhaa

Hi everyone 👋
My name is Danizinha
[You can call me Dani]
Can speak: 🇹🇷/🇺🇸/🇦🇿
I'm 17 years old
Birthday - 19 May
Got frozen - 8.02.2021 14.07.2021 13.10.2022
Sista :-]
My name is Danizinha
[You can call me Dani]
Can speak: 🇹🇷/🇺🇸/🇦🇿
I'm 17 years old
Birthday - 19 May
Got frozen - 8.02.2021 14.07.2021 13.10.2022
Sista :-]
... A wish.
I see all of u are almost leaving. Y'know I've joined in 2020 here. And I've meet a lot of good friends here. And lost a lot of them also. Now...I don't even see u guys active like before. You all almost left here...I had a lot of memories here more than my real life.. I missed those times a lot. I don't want you guys to go without saying goodbye...ahahah. it sounded stupid maybe. But all I want to say is...As you guys want to leave... I would like y'all to do a Last Collab with me. I wanna have a last memory with you guys. So I would love to do a Last Collab with you all.
...ahahah as some of you leave, how could you all see this? I'm just talking to myself...heh
...ahahah as some of you leave, how could you all see this? I'm just talking to myself...heh
MediBang ID: Danizinhaa

Hi everyone 👋
My name is Danizinha
[You can call me Dani]
Can speak: 🇹🇷/🇺🇸/🇦🇿
I'm 17 years old
Birthday - 19 May
Got frozen - 8.02.2021 14.07.2021 13.10.2022
Sista :-]
My name is Danizinha
[You can call me Dani]
Can speak: 🇹🇷/🇺🇸/🇦🇿
I'm 17 years old
Birthday - 19 May
Got frozen - 8.02.2021 14.07.2021 13.10.2022
Sista :-]
Oohh :0