일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

... A wish.
I see all of u are almost leaving. Y'know I've joined in 2020 here. And I've meet a lot of good friends here. And lost a lot of them also. Now...I don't even see u guys active like before. You all almost left here...I had a lot of memories here more than my real life.. I missed those times a lot. I don't want you guys to go without saying goodbye...ahahah. it sounded stupid maybe. But all I want to say is...As you guys want to leave... I would like y'all to do a Last Collab with me. I wanna have a last memory with you guys. So I would love to do a Last Collab with you all.

...ahahah as some of you leave, how could you all see this? I'm just talking to myself...heh

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