My step dad told me a while ago...
“If you ever want to text someone online and tell them a little bit of your personal information like your name and such, atleast ask me and we can skype them to see if they’re a real person.”
mY sTeP iS tHe bEst :’>
I wanna skype Cass so bad ;3;
wElL tHat iS eVeN iF sHE haS skYPe ;-;
“If you ever want to text someone online and tell them a little bit of your personal information like your name and such, atleast ask me and we can skype them to see if they’re a real person.”
mY sTeP iS tHe bEst :’>
I wanna skype Cass so bad ;3;
wElL tHat iS eVeN iF sHE haS skYPe ;-;