Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

sorry for spam and existin g
I’m really upset
my friend who I’ve known for like 5 years has been talking behind my back to my other friends about how much she hates me. My other friends have been telling me so that’s good but she doesn’t want to talk to me she blocked me every time they go on walks and they pass by my house she either makes up some fake excuse as to why I can’t walk or she says I’m not her friend and and she doesn’t want to walk with me
she thinks I don’t care about her even though I do but I can’t tell her that she’s not gonna listen to me
idunno please help ig
no, please don’t say anything like oh you should just end it she doesn’t deserve you or something because all of this is my fault and I don’t know how to fix it and I still want to be her friend

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