イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Vent? I dunno, read if you’d like dude 💀💀
Abuse is mentioned I think, depends on what I write-

Look dudes, as much as I could water this down, my mental health has probably been dropping like the end of the Roaring 20’s since- well October (haha black Tuesday reference)
School drama was just about enough during that month and then my father’s deadly antics started again because he hurt his shoulder during that time. I had been caught up with marching band and things, and dealing with my dad basically relapsing to his old ways just made everything worse-
late October, not many people to talk my because of separate classes and new people, so loneliness was there except for the people who talked to me on medi-
it was the second to last home game (football=pep band) and friend drama made me feel absolutely horrible buuuut luckily one of my friends were there throughout the game- ( I remember these words during that argument: “I will lose every friend I have, because of *you*”) I also hurt my knee cap really bad after halftime performance so that wasn’t it. then I got home to a drunk father(Btw, my dad is basically an alcoholic-) and that didn’t go well. The arguing got so bad that my sister snuck us out around 4 am and got back at 12 like nothing ever happened-
That killed me but I went to the park that day and just stayed away from parents to at least get some sense of relaxation 🗿
A few months ago, my dad got drunk again and he got physical, the first time my dad tried to attack my mom, I was going to get my sister and she wasn’t home. And I forget that I usually get anxiety jitters when I don’t feel safe or I’m scared, I had those jitters almost the whole night- I swear, it was not okay to see my dad fight my mom, and my sister and I having to intervene to defend my mom. It still really bothers me because I had to literally hold my dad’s arm back so he wouldn’t punch my sister- he pulled me away from my siblings when we tried to leave the place, I felt scared there too. We eventually snuck out later while my brother distracted him over a call. I still remember everything from that time but it’s just the watered down version

Things build up, and I don’t know what to do with those things that build up- I can talk to people, but it doesn’t feel like enough so I just keep it to myself, it’s not good but it is enough- it’s the reason why I probably sound or look annoyed irl or even on medi-
when someone doesn’t talk to me for a day or two without reasoning, I freak out because I’ll always think that it’s my fault (what a pushover‼️) and I’m always too afraid to reach out, which is stupid because it’s a friend- but I feel disconnected from that person so I just drop it, especially when they - d o n t - make an effort to talk to me after I say something- like dude, cmon i wouldn’t do that to you- that’s not right.
Friends that ghost me has happened already, my ex best friend for example, AND YES! IT STILL BOTHERS ME, EVEN AFTER 3 YEARS NOW- it bothers me when I don’t get an answer why they ghosted me, it’s stupid

So yeah, a lot of things running through the brain of mine, it’s the only way I can put it right now. Vent art doesn’t cut out for me, the closes I can get is to that latest drawing, which relates to the, “when they don’t make an effort to talk to you back,” because the messages I send makes it feel like I’m “talking to myself”? (Totally NOT the name of the illustration, crazy head)

If you got any questions about the family part of this vent, you can ask, just no promises about an answer- that’s literally a chapter book of telling 💀

And yes, all these things are from October through well- almost to this day, yippie
