MediBang ID: AngeredBox

Hiya i'm Box :D I enjoy making art sometimes
Hiya i'm Box :D I enjoy making art sometimes
I'm s c a re d for endgame
Like seriously, and the sad thing is since my dad doesn't like watching the movie in theaters when it just came out due to stuff that has happened during that time I won't get to watch it any time soon because I'm going to be on a trip the moment this week is over so I'm sad, but yeah I'm scared because Infinity War has scared me and idk how this is going to affect me but I'm scared for it as much as I'm excited about it-
this entire thing is a trainwreck and I am really sorry for that :')
this entire thing is a trainwreck and I am really sorry for that :')
MediBang ID: AngeredBox

Hiya i'm Box :D I enjoy making art sometimes
Hiya i'm Box :D I enjoy making art sometimes