Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

A lil challenge for you
Hey, if you feel like challenging yourself this week, I've got a littel something for you:
Chalenge option 1: Anytime during this week, go up to someone you may not be friends with, or maybe even dislike, and compliment them! You may make their day, or even week, just by speaking a little kindness into their lives.
Challenge option 2: Be on your watch this week. Where maybe you have only thought to complain, or are just having a bad day, stop and look around. Find 5 things to be thankful for. You could be thankful that you have a home, you could be thankful that you can draw, you could be thankful that the sky is sunny or cloudy or rainy or windy, it doesn't matter. Just find something. You may be surprised on how a little thankfulness can change your mood.

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