イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

No just no
Okay imma keep this short cause I made a 563 word thing and I pressed x by accident

So I’m tired of trying, my art isn’t any longer what I think it is, it’s terrible and I can barely improve. It’s repetitive, always Dream, George, my persona and my ocs, y’all are getting tired of that aren’t you? Admit it-
I used to be 6th on the rank yet here I am at 50th. I keep on trying so hard to post daily, having mostly “good art” being posted daily cause I just want to draw. But I’m done, I’m gonna try harder as always hoping to get better, as if I will. Of course not-

Yeah right I shouldn’t be talking, many people have it worse than me yet it’s as if I’m supposed to be given attention like some meteor hit my house
