插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

hAhhhhhhhhh Awsten Knight, the singer of Waterparks is hot asf, seeing them December 7th, they are a small band though, so they play at small venues, so only about 800 other people will be there and i have VIP, so i get to meet all three of the band members, take photos with them, have a Q&A, get a signed poster, early access to the venue (which allows me to get first, second, or third row for the concert and still have time for merchandise) a signed copy of there album coming out etc but the first photo is Awsten, the guitar player and the Singer, second is Geoff (pronounced Jeff) the bass player and third is the drummer Otto, and lastly is all three, when i go to hug otto its gonna be so weird hes like 5'6, awsten is 5'8, and Geoff is 6'1 so thankfully ill meet someone famous that is taller then me but keep in mind im 5'9 1/2
