Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back
She's not coming back

If she doesn't I'm not either.
If I don't hear from her tonight, I'm going with her
I don't care
I love her
I can't lose her
Call me stupid or dramatic or an attention seeker but
I don't care
I can't
I really can't
I can't
She's what kept me going through tough times
But I made her feel unloved and I'm such an asshole to not realize I was hurting her so much
I didn't realize
I can't lose her
I can't
I can't

I can't.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I can't.
This will probably be the last you hear of me.
Stay well, stay happy, and stay yourselves.
You all were amazing friends.
Thank you
Good night
Good bye.

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