일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


I finally cleared up some time so that I could start with another artwork……

Lol….yesterday, the weather was good in the morning (nice breezy and cool). I was a bit exhausted from completing my work…so I just went outside in my balcony to take a breather, and saw my plants. They all looked fresh and pretty, I just felt like adding more to them.

I know this one place in my society (apartment complex) where there are semi-wild roses growing…..a lot of people don’t really go to that corner thinking that it’s spooky or dirty….but little did they know that it’s literally the most beautiful place in here.

I took some tools like scissors, blade, cuter (and there is another tool whose name I don’t know Lmao),
Took a bag, jar with water, etc.

I went there…the roses looked BEAUTIFUL!!!!
But….the more beautiful it is the more ‘thorns’….

As these were wild plants…the thorns looked quite horrifying and wild too. I cut a few stems, damn it took me forever to cut them, they were just so strong and the thorns, bruh…they literally didn’t let me!
But yeah fortunately after getting a few cuts here and there (my legs are all scratched lol) I was finally able to cut some stems…

I came home and now all ready to plant them…


While I was preparing the stems by cutting them at a 45 kinda degree angle…..a giant Athorn went in my thumb.
Yeah,,,the deed was done…lol…I’m accustomed to getting bid injuries so this was literally NOTHING to me…
Little did I remember these were wild roses. I didn’t pay attention to it and just carried on with my planting.
Once I was done and was cleaning things up…I saw…my thumb swollen and a bit blue…

Lol…I squeezed out some blood (so that if there’s anything infectious it comes out) and disinfected it.
But my mom saw it…she got so worried, cause this had once happened with her too when she was younger, and it had gotten serious.
So now my thumb is bandaged… -_-

This is SO ANNOYING!!!!
Like getting your thumb bandaged just because some wild thorn got in!? (I know it’s a concern for my mom, because most of the people in my family are allergic and all) BUT STILL!!!

Now when I’m drawing and zooming in….the thumb being ‘bandaged’, my tab doesn’t recognise the touch…this is just so annoying…

Lord please….please someone tell my mom that it’s nothing….and please ask her to take this off. T-T
(Damn, I’m a whole grown up child, and she is still worrying about a wild thorn🤦🏻‍♀️)

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