插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

I need a life lmaoooo
So after "studying" SSC Naming patterns I figured out a possible family tree for Strawberry Shortcake herself. This got spawned by creators giving her Aunt Praline in the newest 2022 reboot of the franchise and other characters getting parents.
Long story short, I figured out that some characters in the franchise get one theme and name from one parent and one theme and name from the other parent. Example from the show being Orange Crisp + Cherry Blossom = Cherry Crisp and Orange blossom.
From what I can tell Twins can share one name. Sweet Grapes and Sour Grapes being a good example, though puns like Lem and Ada (lemonade) are possible and I assume conflicting flavors could also work for twins.
These patterns could easily be broken if more family gets introduced and they have different names that don't fit lol-
This begs the questions: what happens if the parents have more than two kids? What about the characters with normal names? According to the comics the PPM is named S T E V E.
Well, um, I…
I dunno yet I'm still figuring this all out ok?
