New pet!
I bought a male Syrian hamster! A longhair to be accurate. he's such a floofy angery boi (that's because I just got him and he's super stressed out rn) I got him a big tall cage, a 70×40×60 so he's large and comfy. I also got him a house, a bridge and a huge wheel! We're gonna buy more toys after he's moved in well, I'm buying him a lil coconut house and a tube if I find any of his size (he's pretty huge)
I'm not showing you any fully detailed pics since he has to stay alone and chill for a few days/a week but here's a pic of his cage :)
Edit: I took a fairly decent pic of his snoot
I'm not showing you any fully detailed pics since he has to stay alone and chill for a few days/a week but here's a pic of his cage :)
Edit: I took a fairly decent pic of his snoot