일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

If you’re reading this, then you MUST be interested in my contest! Read below for rules if you’re still interested... if you’re not, why are you still reading this?
-You can draw anything that you think I would like (NO NSFW PLS)
-Winner obviously gets their art to be my pfp. Second and third get something I haven’t quite decided on (might be a Mythical Nymph adopt with palette color choice)
-Please make your entry in the square format, so it fits my picture thing. And also, don’t make it go out too far on the sides or else it will be cut off (unless you want it to ig)
-Comment down below if you are doing it. I don’t wanna know what you’re drawing cause I want it to be a surprise :D also, comment if you’re done with your entry, or if you’re dropping out.
-This is due December 6th. 2 weeks. That should be enough time, but if it isn’t, I’m willing to give an extra day or two.
-It doesn’t have to be colored, but will give you a better chance at winning. Sketches are also okay too, but again, lineart will give you a much better chance.
-If only like, 2 people are doing this, then I’ll just call the whole thing off. There’s no point in hosting it when there isn’t at least 3 people :/
-Good luck and have fun!

And to the people that aren’t interested... Why are you still here if you’re not even interested? Did you seriously just waste your time reading rules that don’t apply to you? Well, might as well join now since you have all of the information!

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