Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Booyah! Splatoon 3 is one of the most fun games I've ever played. It's easy to understand, not toxic (for the most part), and super immersive.

I think it goes without saying the animation and art in that game is eye candy. The usage of bright colors on the inklings and octolings compared to the mich darker greys and greens of the general environment clash perfectly. It lets you see where you're inking in turf wars easily and allows you to spot other players without much difficulty. The animation is so bouncy and full of life it's incredible. The way the inklings and octolings bounce around is generally super fun to watch. Even the idle animations are full of life!

When it comes to online battle I think my only issue is the communication errors. Although I haven't seen too many of those when I play. It's mostly just disconnects here and there. I personally really like the rotating maps based on what hours you're playing at. I think it keeps you on your feet and excited for the next rotation. I'm also a big fan of the map designs. My favorite so far had to be mahi mahi resort, hands down the best map in my opinion. I just live jumping around on the floating platform as the other team tries to ink as much of their base as possible before you invade it and ink over all their turf. It's fun and not frustrating, to me at least. I'm sure some people have gotten upset over loosing a Splatoon match before, it's inevitable. That's the good part about Splatoon though, you don't know of their mad! All you can say is ouch..., booyah!, and this way!

As for the imersivness it's truly incredible. The ammount of work that's gone into the splatfests and the map designs is incredible. It all helps to bring everything together, like you're really standing in inkopolis. The railways, closely placed together apartments and stores, and cluttered streets filled with graffiti and papers. The diversity in map design, one moment you could be on a floating platform in a pool, the next you could be fighting for your life in an amusement park.

The best feeling is when you're waiting in a lobby and the bell rings indicating it's time to battle. The screen loads and everybody's characters pop up ready to fight. The countdown begins and, go! Now it's time to ink your base and fight the other team to secure the most turf! The adrenaline pumping through you as you fight off the opposing team and hope you've inked enough territory. And just like that it's over. You anxiously look at the turf you've painted hoping it's enough and then, boom! You win, but just barely. Everybody's winning animations plays and you're sent back to the lobby to either continue or go do something else. You choose to stay and see everybody's having a squid party! You join in flopping around in your squid or octo form then the next match starts.

It's so much fun, I'm glad that's how I spent my night. I may have a massive headache now but it was worth it!

I didn't talk about salmon run or the story mode because I'm not skilled enough to do salmon run and I don't feel like talking about story mode right now. I would also have to mark that as a spoiler if I was gonna take about story mode.

Anyway goodnight! I'll try to draw some Splatoon art tomorrow but I might just play Splatoon instead lolz

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