Elliot = kutatakimochi (gasp, you could call me mochi QwQ)
Nikolai= Tokimemotakaki (So many different things you could call me in that one qnq)
En= Kuto (I actually really like that.)
Ace= Kamiku (Noice B))
Rokke= Shimomemeku (*wheezing in why do I have so many names qnq)
I have other ones, but I'm really tired and need a shower, I smell like sweaty food, smh
Nikolai= Tokimemotakaki (So many different things you could call me in that one qnq)
En= Kuto (I actually really like that.)
Ace= Kamiku (Noice B))
Rokke= Shimomemeku (*wheezing in why do I have so many names qnq)
I have other ones, but I'm really tired and need a shower, I smell like sweaty food, smh