插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Parker is my math teacher, and he is THE GREATEST!
Me: PARKER!!! We have a magic trick for you!
Parker: *walks over* Okay, what is it
Dallin: Try to move the lid (it was a lid with super strong putty under it)
Parker: Okay! *tries to move it*
Dallin and I: *starts laughing*
Parker: *gets the lid up* YAY I MOVED IT!!! I AM THE GREATEST!!!
Dallin and I: *laughs harder*
Parker: *starts walking away* EAT IT SUCKERS!!!!
Me: *literally falls on the floor laughing*
So yeh, math is great. I’m supposed to be doing work, but instead I’m playing with putty :P
