插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

look i don't know why everyone is blocking me I am not a bad person most of them are just following what someone tells them and at this point i don't care i have been trying to be to nicest person i can but at this point some of yall are just being sensitive as fuck and i dont give no fucks. I really hate how most of you are judging me off of what people are telling you and that is a real piss off i have real friends and they won't block me just because of what someone tells them. And if yall are going to block me for this message then go ahead i am just speaking facts if you have a problem hit me up
number 2 I am taking a break from this drama infested website because this is break two i will miss all the real friends and fuck the fake one
I will miss you
1. cookie lord
2.wolly bird
4.Robot king
and more
