Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

【ローソン×こもりひっき ローソンブロマイド第二弾発売中です】
ローソン様の店内、マルチコピー機サービス「#ローソンプリント」で販売開始しております! ぜひお立ち寄りくださいませ💐

Lawson Print has released the second batch of Komori Hikki Lawson Bromides ✨ This time, we mainly received new blue products as stickers and bromides 🍀

Random sale of all 12 types of bromides, great value 6-piece set, and 2 types of stickers are also on sale 🌸
Now on sale at Lawson stores and at the multi-copy machine service "#LawsonPrint"! Please drop by 💐

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