插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

☆ ( ^ω^ ) ☆
oka y we got some rylie moments uwU
(trust me they cU TE, hes much better than thAT dick austin 😤)
this morning the first thing he did was hug me really tight. hunter saw him and ryan glared at him and pulled me closer and said,”mine!” and I covered my face from megA blushing and squealed

today in 3rd period, we sit right beside each other, he kept petting me cuz he knows I like to be pet uwu

today at lunch, he had his arms wrapped around me the whole time and kept kissing my cheek. then he kept saying,”I love you” a lot. I kept squealing and blushing and he found it absolutely adorable. like he even kept saying,”awee”
(GUYS HIS VOICE IS SO CALMING AND SOFT LIKE OMFG. JEFF EVEN AGREES CUZ US 3 GROUP FACETIME EVERY NIGHT SKDKDK) then when lunch was over, we held hands in the hall and when we had to get to class he gave me mega hug and kissed my cheek again uwu

okay there’s more but I’m lazy to tyPE-
edit: also he makes me feel mega special. he spends over 5 hours of his time every night to facetime and talk to me and we act stupid together uwu
