Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Wow. This is it.
Gloom, Kebinox and Dex are gone
Im alone. Fun! …..

I am going to be posting this every week .

I just wanna say ik u guys probably wont see this but i miss you so much, and wanna thank you for welcoming me to this site and being there when times were tough.
I never go to say how much i love you three. You were the funniest goofballs i ever met and im sorry i never came back.. but im back now
I hope we can talk again, i have improved my art so much over the years and i really wish you could see .

I love you guys so much, please know that. And you will always be a part inside me for years to go on.

I wont ever forget you guys

Love; Zen


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