MediBang ID: atlas

(I wont accept friend reqs unless im comfy w you before 💔)
I go inactive for days, weeks, sometimes months 😔
Listening to:
Beautiful Stranger- Laufey
Going thru tough times atm 🤪
(I wont accept friend reqs unless im comfy w you before 💔)
I go inactive for days, weeks, sometimes months 😔
Listening to:
Beautiful Stranger- Laufey
Going thru tough times atm 🤪
Story time-
This is gonna be short-
These guys came up to me friends and me and one dude was like
“Hey someone wanna date my friend?? He’s single!”
Literally all of us went no at the same time
So he goes
“Damn bro I didn’t think you were that ugly for everyone we walk up to reject you-“
It happened again and my friend straight up went
“ I’m a lesbian bitch”
This is gonna be short-
These guys came up to me friends and me and one dude was like
“Hey someone wanna date my friend?? He’s single!”
Literally all of us went no at the same time
So he goes
“Damn bro I didn’t think you were that ugly for everyone we walk up to reject you-“
It happened again and my friend straight up went
“ I’m a lesbian bitch”
MediBang ID: atlas

(I wont accept friend reqs unless im comfy w you before 💔)
I go inactive for days, weeks, sometimes months 😔
Listening to:
Beautiful Stranger- Laufey
Going thru tough times atm 🤪
(I wont accept friend reqs unless im comfy w you before 💔)
I go inactive for days, weeks, sometimes months 😔
Listening to:
Beautiful Stranger- Laufey
Going thru tough times atm 🤪