Some Bootiful(for me) sketches
Well motivation,hands,brain,eyes and art skills... We did a good job *proud smile*the bad thing is: I woke up at 5:27 in the sunrise bc my belly was hurting so bad,period is killing me, my body feels like is on hell and being stubbed, my stomach wants to eat until the end of the world,and my brain is like I haven't slept for a month and I've been doing drugs for 2 weeks straight ,and im a bit(wrong, I'm very aggressive,and I get easily pissed off ) angry bc of pain, I'm sick of this, that's why I get angry.Yasterday(what a great day :)) I'm was building for my smaller sister,a Lego (with a book with 185 steps) after 2 hours I finally finished it, and my back was HuRtiNg me so bad(and it still does). And what's the best cure for pain? MUSIC. Now I gotta rest for the rest of my day, thank god it's Friday (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)