イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

So yeah
You probably read this post from Weirdo. If you don’t get what she meant by ‘if you are my "bestie" who posted yesterday and forgot it, I’m a little mad at you.” I had to read it a bit to get it. She was my first friend on medi and vice versa. And yesterday, I went to my dad’s friend’s house for lunch. There was nothing to do to their so I read manga, watched anime, and drew. In the process, I did an art trade with Ev@pro and drew a drawing for my own pleasure. I spent the rest of the time watching anime. Then we went home and had guests a few minutes later. Then I was completely packed. I do admit that I could have remembered. When I understood, I cried, literally. I felt like trash. I still do. I promised that I’ll remembered but just forgot.
