Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Today was fun
Literally everyone shipping me with Kadan .-.
Justice: Well, ur both tall and Kadans dumb and ur smart
Jordan: Ur both tall and ur smart and he’s not
Cool, I don’t give a shit
I won’t date him
I don’t like him at all xD
He even said, “Nothing against Mikayla but no.”
lIkE tF?!
Since when is he nice?!
o o f
Now everyone else at school is saying they ship it .-.
Like my teacher was switching seats in Social Studies and she moved Kadan to the front then I was moved to where Kadan was sitting so Justice had to be a jackass and kept saying, “Mikayla’s in her boyfriends seatttt!”
People think I like him bc whenever someone like “Mikayla and Kadan” or “they’re perfect for eachother”
I smile and laugh
Bc I think it’s funny but I don’t like him xD
plUs I have Cass uwu
This guy was in my class last year and he’s staring at me at least once when we go to lunch
and today when we were leaving school and waiting for our bus (my bus was late, no surprise there)
And Nick walks by and somehow his damn backpack latched onto mine
I was so confused o-o
Avia: Oo!! Nick like Mikayla!!
Then Avia unnattached our bags and followed Nick to ask him if he liked me xD
Then she ran back over to wait for the bus xD
He never answered a yes or no so—

o o f

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