MediBang ID: SmokingCat

Abandoned Account
Uploads will be random.
Characters drawn here belong to me with exceptions of fanart and/or certain contests.
Do not copy, steal, trace, or "fix" any artwork.
Birthday: Nov 20
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Thank you.
Uploads will be random.
Characters drawn here belong to me with exceptions of fanart and/or certain contests.
Do not copy, steal, trace, or "fix" any artwork.
Birthday: Nov 20
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Thank you.
Topics from this creator
Can I get some help? (not serious)
I can't figure out what color this character should be because I've only drawn them in black and white.
Does anyone have Ideas?
Let me know if some things aren't clear in the drawings.
Does anyone have Ideas?
Let me know if some things aren't clear in the drawings.
MediBang ID: SmokingCat

Abandoned Account
Uploads will be random.
Characters drawn here belong to me with exceptions of fanart and/or certain contests.
Do not copy, steal, trace, or "fix" any artwork.
Birthday: Nov 20
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Thank you.
Uploads will be random.
Characters drawn here belong to me with exceptions of fanart and/or certain contests.
Do not copy, steal, trace, or "fix" any artwork.
Birthday: Nov 20
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Thank you.
so maybe mostly purple with some hints of red.