Comisiones abiertas/open commissions
Bueno, quisiera hablar de forma rápida y corta sobre este "proyecto". Por mucho, mucho tiempo me he negado a hacer comisiones por diversos motivos: prefería hacer dibujos gratuitos (los cuales pueden encontrar como "pedidos"), no creía tener la habilidad suficiente para merecer un pago, no quería convertir mi pasatiempo en trabajo, etc. Pero lamentablemente ha llegado el momento de ceder, y digo "lamentablemente" porque he sido forzada a hacerlo por más que aún no quiero. Tengo problemas económicos serios y ya no me queda otra salida, necesito ingresos, y no puedo trabajar porque estudio, no me alcanza el tiempo. Así que recurro a esto que es lo único que puedo por ahora. Ojalá no tenga que ser por demasiado tiempo, eso se verá. No escribo esto para que me tengan lástima, lo que menos quiero es que sólo me den trabajo por pena, lo hago porque quiero que se sepa que esto es sólo por necesidad.
Well, I would like to briefly talk about this "project". For a long, long time I have refused to make commissions for various reasons: I preferred to make free drawings (which you can find as “requisitions”) I did not believe I had enough skill to deserve a payment, I didnt want to turn my hobby into work, etc. But unfortunately the time has come to give in, and I "unfortunately" say this because I have been forced to do so even though I still don't want to. I have serious financial problems and I have no other way out, I need income, and I can’t work because I study, I don't have enough time. So I turn to this, which is the only thing I can for now. Hopefully I won’t have to this for a long time, time will tell. I do not write this so you can feel pity for me, the last thing I want is someone to give me a job for pity, I do it because I want it to be known that this is only out of necessity.
Well, I would like to briefly talk about this "project". For a long, long time I have refused to make commissions for various reasons: I preferred to make free drawings (which you can find as “requisitions”) I did not believe I had enough skill to deserve a payment, I didnt want to turn my hobby into work, etc. But unfortunately the time has come to give in, and I "unfortunately" say this because I have been forced to do so even though I still don't want to. I have serious financial problems and I have no other way out, I need income, and I can’t work because I study, I don't have enough time. So I turn to this, which is the only thing I can for now. Hopefully I won’t have to this for a long time, time will tell. I do not write this so you can feel pity for me, the last thing I want is someone to give me a job for pity, I do it because I want it to be known that this is only out of necessity.