插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Do you just ever look up at the setting sun on the top of a roof and wait for it to set. The lights from your off white circle fairy lights lighting up one by one slowly as the sun set more. Then as soon as it started it's over. As if a line of a ants the stars start appearing one by one to the eye as the moon rises. It's a clear night, clouds are scarse and the moon is full. You can see the stars twinkling almost like they're blinking as if they were alive. Looking up you wonder if there be anything beyond us, not just other life but gods. Beings of power and existence our mortal souls cannot understand. You continue to look at the stars in the night sky for a while longer, admiring them and taking in the moment.

It's a feeling like none other. Indescribable by my words. You would have to experience it yourself to feel the way I do. Then again, perhaps my words have given you a glimpse of this feeling if not fully described it. If that be the case let me say I thank you for understanding and reading my short description.

Perhaps you feel this way towards other experiences in life. Perhaps it be a afternoon in a forest consumed by the vegetation. The weather is perfect, not cold nor hot perfectly in the middle. You have your sketchbook open next to you as you sit beneath a tree on a fairly large hill. You've sketched several landscapes today from which you found on the forest. Now you're preparing to take a nap underneath the afternoon sun.

Maybe it's a hike in the mountains. It's early morning and the fog is still settled in the mountains like low hanging clouds. The fog creates a mist of sorts throughout the mountains. As you walk on a path that is torn and overgrown you ponder about life, the mountains, and yourself. This pondering continues as you walk into the afternoon. Now standing upon the top of a smaller mountain you look up at the other, much taller mountains. You think that even though you haven't climbed the tallest mountain today, you have still climbed a mountain. A feat many cannot accomplish in life.

This feeling we feel, I think it be a deep connection to nature. One we have since lost touch with because of modern technology. If thou cannot view these sights I give my deepest apologies. Then again, my writing my have given you a fraction of that feeling. How I do hope that's the case. Please, be well for the rest of this day or night.

It's like 10pm right now idk wtf I just made. I bet theres a shit tone of typos but idgaf.
