일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

I’m not feeling so good
can I ask something
Is it bad that I hate my mom
Like truthfully I sometimes do
Like how she acts just seems awful to me
She doesn’t even try to understand my feelings?
Like isn’t that a parents job?
To help you if you feel bad?
My friends mom seem nicer than mine Idk
She always calls me a brat and I’m ungrateful for the things she does when I’m just not feeling great? Like do you call someone names if they’re crying??? Or being emotional? She also makes me feel awful about my body and clothes and makes such a big deal about how I look around her . Like I’m a prize or a example of how good she is.I feel like an awful ungrateful teenager and I know my mom tries her best sometimes but I don’t get it
She , in my opinion, could make things a lot better like a lot a lot but she doesn’t
Sometimes I wonder what she would do if I died or if I started harming myself .Would she blame me or my dad?Probably .She I feel like thinks she knows me 100%
I don’t ever get to tell her how I feel because I know she’ll make me feel guilty about being ungrateful or I’m an overly emotional 14 year old
Like just cuz my emotions are crazy doesn’t mean I make them that way and I want them too,it’s not my fault.
I sometimes really hate her

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