help uwu (edgy lol)
I’m depressed
What a surprise
I’m such an attention seeker
I just want to go away
Just die
I just want to be gone, and everyone will just forget I ever existed
I’m just sad
Sorry for wasting your time by posting this
I’ve recently joined a Discord group with a bunch of my friend’s friends
And they’re rude
Like, really rude
But I don’t have the gut to say anything about it
Fun times
I’ll leave you all alone now
What a surprise
I’m such an attention seeker
I just want to go away
Just die
I just want to be gone, and everyone will just forget I ever existed
I’m just sad
Sorry for wasting your time by posting this
I’ve recently joined a Discord group with a bunch of my friend’s friends
And they’re rude
Like, really rude
But I don’t have the gut to say anything about it
Fun times
I’ll leave you all alone now