Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


——- During years of doctor appointments and “tests💉💊🧪,” Isla Reed finds herself joining The Pentagon’s first ever child program: The Visionary Telepathic Program for Children (TVTPC) 🏫. There, she meets her first friend, Messiah Coleman😁. An easy- to- talk- to- guy with a quirky attitude, helping Isla get through her first years at the program.
As the both of them excel 📈 through The Pentagon’s program, they bump into a shy girl in a game of dodgeball, Aya Ngam🤗. Impressed by the mysterious girl’s athletic and competitive personality on the court, they were surprised to find her “not talkative🤔.” The two invite her over to lunch and hang outs but never was able to totally open up about herself. . . until Geoffrey Stevens arrived at the school (upcoming OC😉).

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